So, my original goal of one charity a month was a bit lofty.
What was I thinking? I am a mother of a special needs child. I have a full time
job, a husband, two other children and a home to care for. In a nutshell, I’m
human and I have a life that frequently takes over. So, as evidenced by my lack of blog posts, I haven't quite "Done Anything"! I am excited to say though, that I have scheduled a date to cook and
serve a meal at our local Ronald McDonald House and I’m thrilled about that. I’m
working on getting my team of volunteers together and I’m planning my meal and
grocery list. I will write more on that as the time nears. But in the meantime,
just thought I’d share my thoughts on Valentine’s Day.
Today is Valentine’s Day. Whoopee, big deal! To me it is
really just another day. Now don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the abundance of
chocolates and other treats that tend to surface around the office on this day.
But to me, Valentine’s Day is just like every other day in my life. I wake up
and tell my husband I love him. I get my daughter ready for school, give her
plenty of hugs and kisses and tell her I love her. I leave for work, kiss my
husband and tell him I love him. I’ll talk to my two older kids sometime during
the day and I’ll tell them I love them. Then, later tonight, I will kiss my
husband again and tell him I love him before we go to sleep. You get the point
and I’m sure you’ve heard this before. You don’t need a special day to tell the
people around you that you love them. You should do that every day! And I’m
sure we all do that. But what about the other gifts that are exchanged on
Valentine’s day? Those also can (and should) be given any day throughout the
year. Imagine how tickled your wife would be if she received flowers at work on
any random day. I’ve been with my husband for 17 years and I think I have
gotten flowers maybe 10 times. Probably 8 of those times have been random. It
really does feel great.
It’s also Random Acts of Kindness
Week. I think it is great that there is a week to promote Random Acts of
Kindness (RAK’s), but we all know that we should do these every day. Seriously,
how hard is it to just smile or give a compliment to a passing stranger? I have
been the recipient of a compliment from a stranger and it made my day. I was
riding in the elevator at work one morning and a very well dressed man
commented that he liked my dress. Now I guess some would find this creepy, but
I did not. I beamed from ear to ear and thanked him. Then you know what I did?
I did what we should all do when we receive a RAK. I passed it on. I passed a
woman in the hall and really loved the blouse she had on, so I told her. That
one compliment really sparked something in me and I try to compliment people as
frequently as possible. And my compliments are genuine. If I don’t like what
someone is wearing, I’m not going to compliment them. But I will still give them a smile! Mother Teresa said it best, "We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
I guess my point in all of this rambling is that we should
not reserve a special day or week or holiday to show love and kindness to
other people. Send your mother flowers on August 3rd, cook your husband
his favorite dinner on a Wednesday, pack a love note in your kid’s lunchbox any
day of the week. To keep this in theme with my blog, we should also remember
that charities need our help all year long, not just during the holidays. There
are always ample opportunities during Christmas. You can adopt a family,
collect food for a food bank, and even go caroling at a nursing home. But the
food bank needs food year round, the kids in the family grow and need new
clothes, the elderly in the nursing home sure would love someone to just sit
and visit with. I am really trying to keep this in mind throughout the year and
I hope that you will do. Remember, “There is no exercise better for the heart
than reaching down and lifting people up.” – John Andrew Holmes. So go out and
do your heart some good!
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